In a nutshell:
Mark meets Allen the Alien.
Omni-Man calls Mark asking for his assistance in dealing with a threat headed for Earth. Invincible meets the alien in space, who proceeds to challenge and guide him during their fight. When Mark asks to talk about their conflict, he learns the alien is a Champion Evaluation Officer who goes to different worlds challenging their world’s protector. As they keep talking, the alien named Allen realizes he has been coming to the wrong planet for fifteen years and hurries back to fix his error. Mark’s parents praise him for talking the conflict out, but Mark still has homework to complete tonight.

Though he had a cameo in issue #2, this issue formerly introduces Allen the Alien, a pretty significant character who will expand the Invincible universe significantly in coming issues. Here, Allen is established as a strong fighter who goes and challenges others to see if they are worthy of helping out the Coalition of Planets. Mark solves the conflict by talking it out, which will become a running theme throughout the series.
The Guardians of the Globe get another namedrop, building them up somewhat.
The average Viltrumite (going by Nolan as an example) can hold their breath in space for two weeks. With Mark just starting out, he can hold his breath for an hour.

I haven’t talked much about artist Cory Walker, but I like when he uses only pupils to show how serious a situation is.
The Superhero World
From here on in, when someone is in space, it’s established to be through telepathy brought on by Allen.
This issue introduces Allen the Alien, a pretty cool character who will go on to have many different roles in Invincible’s life as the series progresses. Here he seems like a helpful “hero guide,” giving Mark advice as they fight, and it builds him up as a potential returning ally and friend. He also mentions the Coalition of Planets, which will play a crucial role in things when events heat up off-Earth. So Allen sets up a lot of interesting potential and I think it’s no surprise he became a fan-favorite. His design is simple and cool, which I give artist Corey Walker a lot of credit for.
Speaking of which, I attribute most of my compliments to writer Robert Kirkman when it comes to the story, but I haven’t spoken much about Walker in these posts yet. Obviously the next artist Ryan Ottley will truly launch the series into greatness, but I like Walker’s simplistic (in a good way) art for this sort of “happy days” saga in Invincible’s life before things get darker. I see the series as one big story about the life of Mark Grayson, as we truly see him come of age by the end of the series and beyond. I think Walker’s style fits the tone of these first few stories pretty well to be honest.
My biggest takeaway with this issue, having enjoyed the whole series multiple times, is Mark’s way of resolving the conflict with Allen that has existed since his father first came to Earth. Mark talks things out and uses his head. Even though it seems like a cute little trope right now, it’s actually a huge part of Mark’s character arc throughout the whole series. He will always question which conflicts can be resolved through talking rather than punching, and he kinda stumbles his way successfully through it here. It’s a nice way of showing the difference between Invincible and Omni-Man, and showing what sets Mark apart from the slew of other heroes we’re going to meet.